Police shoot goose after it wanders into busy intersection
Police shoot goose after it wanders into busy intersection
A goose that wandered into a busy intersection in the Canadian city of Edmonton was shot by a police officer after it refused to move. The incident, which was captured on video and uploaded to social media, has sparked outrage among some animal rights activists.
The goose can be seen waddling into the middle of the four-lane road, as cars and buses drive around it. A police officer then arrives on the scene and, after several attempts to shoo the bird away, shoots it.
"What I witnessed today is an absolute embarrassment to our city and its citizens," one woman wrote on social media.
Edmonton Police say they received multiple calls from drivers about the goose, which was reportedly blocking traffic. They say they attempted to capture the bird using a net but were unsuccessful.
"It wasn't like we just drove up and started shooting at it for no reason," Edmonton Police spokesperson Scott Pattison said. "We made several attempts to corral the bird and use non-lethal methods however it became increasingly aggressive and posed a threat to public safety given its location in the road."
Animal rights activists have criticized the police department for not using non-lethal methods to remove the bird from the road, such as using a tranquilizer gun.
Goose causes traffic jam on highway
It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. The perfect day for a road trip. Jenn and Greg were on their way to visit Jenn's parents when they saw a goose standing in the middle of the highway. They slammed on their brakes, but it was too late. The goose flew up into the air and caused a massive traffic jam.
Drivers were honking their horns and cursing at the goose. Some drivers got out of their cars to try to shoo the goose away, but it was no use. The goose just stood there, with a proud look on its face.
After an hour of waiting in traffic, Jenn and Greg decided to turn around and go home. They were both frustrated and angry. "That stupid goose cost us our whole day," said Jenn. "I can't believe it."
Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. The next day, the goose was gone and the traffic jam had cleared up. Jenn and Greg were able to visit her parents after all. But they still talk about that stupid goose every time they drive down that highway.
Goose blocks runner's path in park
A wild goose stopped a runner's progress on a path in a park.
The white adult bird stood its ground directly in the middle of the asphalt pathway, as if it was daring the jogger to try and get around it.
The startled runner was forced to stop and go around the obstinate goose, which caused her to lose her running rhythm.
"Why does this keep happening to me?" she muttered under her breath.
Geese are known for being territorial and protective of their surroundings, so this behavior is not all that surprising.
Goose blocks runner's path in park
Goose prevents golfer from making putt
A golfer on a putting green at a golf course was thwarted in his attempt to make a putt by a pesky goose that wouldn't get out of the way.
The incident was caught on video and has since gone viral, with many people chiming in on social media about the uninvited guest.
The golfer can be seen lining up his putt and then taking a practice swing. But as he starts to make his actual stroke, the goose darts in between him and the ball, causing him to miss the shot.
While some people found the whole thing amusing, others were quick to condemn the goose for being a hindrance. Some even speculated that the bird was purposely trying to sabotage the golfer's game.
Goose takes nap in middle of nature trail
Residents and visitors of the nature trail at Kosciuszko National Park in Australia were surprised recently when they found a goose taking a nap in the middle of the path. The startled bird quickly flew off, but not before leaving quite the impression on those who encountered it.
Many people remarked that it was a beautiful sight to see, and were able to capture some amazing photos of the bird in its natural habitat. Others weren't so thrilled with the encounter, as they had to dodge the large creature while out on their walk.
Kosciuszko National Park is open all year round and is home to a variety of Australian animals, including kangaroos, wallabies, emus, and more. It's definitely worth a visit for those looking to get up close and personal with Australia's wildlife!
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